Men's Health & Wellness Coaching

Programs & Workshops

Helping men curate healthy mindsets, bodies, and relationships with themselves and one another.

My upcoming Men's Health Coaching Program?

Men's group & workshops



Coping With Stress Depression and Anxiety



Nurturing The Social And Emotional Self



Nurturing The Social And Emotional Self



Nurturing The Social And Emotional Self



Nurturing The Social And Emotional Self



Upcoming Men's Events

Men's group & workshops

By Self Mastery Retreats International

Men's Health & Wellness Coaching

Group Men's Health CoachingThat Works

Optimal health, wellness, and happiness begins with first taking care of yourself. As a Certified ISSA Fitness, Men’s Health, and Wellness Coaching Specialist I begin every session by meeting my client where they are physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially at.

Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are influenced by our experiences and the inter-connectedness between the mind, body, and spirit. Every aspect of our life is dictated by our thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions.  Together we will procure a health and wellness plan that works to help you build a strong foundation upon which you can live the healthy and happy life you deserve. . 

Men's Health & Wellness Coaching

Workshops & Retreats That Work

Helping men curate healthy mindsets, bodies, relationships, and lives is Living Well with WiL’s purpose and passion. We are here to help you curate the healthy and happy life you deserve. Together we will help you nurture a healthier quality of life, garner your sense of purpose, and self efficacy. With over 25 years of experience as an educator, fitness trainer, health, wellness, and lifestyle coaching specialist, and inspirational speaker, I integrate a variety of different strategies and modalities of health and wellness into my programs.

I develop, and implement health and wellness coaching workshops, retreats and program which nurture the process of healing, encompasses self-reflection, selfcare, and communication for relationship building, while nurturing the health and wellbeing of the whole individual. During our sessions, we’ll tap into the source of your psychological, physical, personal, emotional, and relational challenges by assessing the hierarchy of your mental health, social, and emotional needs. Together we will resolve the limiting factors holding you back from living the healthy and happy life you deserve. 

Online Men's Health Coaching & Wellness Workshops

There is a deeper intrinsic connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Mental and physical health are something many take for granted. We never talk about mental illness when in the state or feeling of loneliness, destitution and despair. Now is the time, place and space to openly talk about mental illness, anxiety, and depression without judgement or stigmatization. Whether 25, 50, 55 or 65, not everyone has the same mental, social or emotional needs. At any given time we all experiences sadness, anxiety, stress, depression, fear, disappointment, self doubt, and loneliness at some point throughout our lives. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same approach to addressing their physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional health needs.

Using my  8 Principles to Wellness Health, Happiness, and Success Workbook, together we’ll construct a plan of actionable step towards helping you overcome the limitations of yourself so that you may finally live the healthy and happy life you deserve.

Private Men's Health & Wellness Coaching That Works

Selfcare, community, family, friendship, self-efficacy, and health relationships attributes to quality of life and longevity. At varied stages of our lives we all experience stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue, disappointment, fear, failure, self-doubt, hopelessness, and loneliness. 

As a Certified ISSA Fitness, Health, and Wellness Coach I begin every session by meeting the person before me where they are at and by helping them fill the gaps and bridge the connection between the mind, body and spirit. inter connected to When our thoughts, feelings, and actions are inter-connected every aspect of our lives flourish. Using my 8 Principles To Wellness, Health, Happiness and Success Workbook, together we will lay the foundation to help you build the healthy and happy life you deserve.

Restorative Men's Health & Wellness Workshops & Retreats That Work

Self and travel exploration is the most liberating thing you can do for yourself. With over 20 years of experience as an Educator, Fitness Trainer, Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle Coaching Specialist I’ve cultivated a variety of programs and strategies into my practice in health and wellness coaching to help you live the healthy and happy life you deserve.

I develop, men’s health, online wellness coaching workshops, retreats and fitness programs which encompass self-explorations, travel excursions, physical activities, and recreational getaways for men to getaway from their everyday hectic lives to take care of themselves in mind, body, and spirit.

The goal is to create wellness coaching experiences for men’s health which serve to curate healthier minds, bodies, and relationships and enriches quality of life and longevity. Every excursion provides a unique experience tailored to foster physical health, mental, and emotional well-being, relationship building, self-reflection, self-esteem, positive mindset, and healing while nurturing the health and wellbeing of the whole individual.

During every men’s restorative wellness workshop, destination wellness retreat, and men’s wellness coaching session we’ll work together through self-reflection, and travel exploration, fitness, nutrition, mindful meditation, active stretching, yoga, meaningful bonding with the locals, and others who share your journey and desire to broaden the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social horizons of their lives.

At Living Well with WiL you will embark upon the journey of exploring your physical, social, and emotional needs to nurture a healthier body, mindset; relationship with yourself, and others while freeing yourself from the limitations of stress, anxiety, depression, doubt, and loneliness.

Wellness Coaching

Online Wellness Coaching & Men's Health Workshops That Work

No matter your lifestyle, fitness level, or age, it is never too late too late to nurture a quality of life that enhance the way you live. Healthy relationships, and positive social interactions attributes to our health and a better quality of life. Not everyone has the same social or emotional needs at any given time. We all experiences sadness, anxiety, stress, depression, fear, disappointment, self doubt, and loneliness at some point in our lives. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same approach to addressing their physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional health needs. Together we’ll construct a plan of actionable step towards helping you overcome the limitations of yourself to live the healthy and happy life you deserve.

Men's Health & Wellness Coaching

wellness coaching

Men's Health & Fitness

That Works!

Regular exercise, proper nutrition and hydration, improves mental health, bone density, and longevity while reducing the symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and fatigue. As an ISSA certified Fitness, Men’s Health, and Wellness Coach and founder of Living Well with WiL, I begin every training session by helping my clients establish a positive mindset and SMART goals. Health and happiness is nurtured from within-outward. I specifically develop all my fitness coaching programs around the physical, mental, emotional, and social needs of my client. It is important my clients understand the fundamental importance and benefits of functional movement, core stability and how the body, and mind works interchangeably with one another for optimal physical strength, endurance, longevity, flexibility, mobility, balance, coordination, core stability, and mental wellbeing.

Supporting Men's Health And Wellness

As men we must overcome many social expectations and stigmas, be protectors and providers. But who protects and provides for us? With over 25 years of experience as an Educator, Fitness Trainer, Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Coaching Specialist and inspirational speaker, I integrate a variety of methods in fitness, health and wellness coaching into my programs which offers opportunities for fostering positive social and emotional bonding for healthy relationship building, while nurturing the health and wellbeing of the whole individual.

During our sessions, we’ll self-explore and self-reflect to help you process the limiting factors of stress, anxiety, depression, self doubt and loneliness to overcome that which is holding you back from living the health and happy life you deserve. We will not only addresses your physical health but also your mental, social, spiritual, and emotional health needs and well-being.

It has been a journey trying find safe spaces and resources for men’s health, wellness, and support groups that bring men together and affirms their mental, emotional, and relational challenges.

Living Well with WiL supports men’s physical health and mental wellness through wellness coaching, men’s support groups, men’s health and wellness retreats, workshops, fitness training programs, and social philanthropy to help men curate healthy mindsets, bodies, relationships, and lives.

Do It For Your Health & Happiness

Curate the healthy and happy life you deserve.

Upcoming Event

By Self Mastery Retreats International
