What Causes Anxiety and Depression

In today’s world, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, It has been discovered that many of us in some form or another have had to overcome a great deal of stress and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are very closely related and can be tough at times to figure out. A person who is suffering from depression might suffer from severe anxiety issues as well. The combination of such problems might contribute to panic attacks or a sense of hopelessness and despair in most people.

These disorders with context to depression and anxiety go beyond everyday nervousness and worry. You will develop a feeling of fear, proving at times circumstances or situations hard to bear or overcome. Individuals suffering from such disorders typically have hypervigilant or irrational thoughts or feelings repeatedly. Most don’t feel they have control over these feelings or their lives. This article will further assist you in getting to the root causes of depression and anxiety disorders.

What factors lead to the co-occurrence of anxiety and depression?

Sally R Connolly, a therapist, and LCSW says that both of these ailments occur in a cycle. Whenever any human being feels anxious, they start having pervasive thoughts along with some worry. The next thing they do is start worrying about the same. Human beings start shifting towards a state of depression as soon as they think they are failing in their lives or any other specific task.

There is a highly complex relationship between two ailments- depression and anxiety.

  • The possibility of developing depression arises whenever there is the onset possibility of an anxiety disorder. Nearly half of the population who suffers from depression also suffer from anxiety-induced depression at the same time.
  • A person who is suffering from anxiety might suffer from severe depression issues as well. The combination of stress, anxiety, and depression in some cases leads to panic attacks or one’s sense of hopelessness and despair.
  • In worse cases, those who suffer from PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorders have more chances of acquiring severe depression.
  • The biological susceptibility of depression and anxiety is usually at the root of one’s emotional, social, psychological, and life challenges. Those who perpetually worry exacerbate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Which ultimately spirals one into an endless state of emotional and psychological despair.

It is critical for people who are suffering from anxiety disorders to contact a therapist, psychiatrist, or medical professional to help them work through deriving and solutions to confronting their condition. Seeking support and help regarding any of these disorders, especially anxiety, should be done as soon as possible. Do people often wonder, can stress cause depression? If treatment is delayed, the symptoms of depression may follow; causing problems that subsequently may affect your emotional and mental health.

What are the causes of anxiety disorders?

The core reason behind the acquisition of anxiety is the body’s natural facilitation and activation of the fight or flight center in the brain of human beings. The fight or flight center of the brain is activated when there is a potential sense of terror or threat. The feeling of anxiety is much similar to that of being stalked by an invisible predator. Anxiety is a horrific feeling of danger that may seem it will never subside, keeping you alert and in a state of psychological and emotional hypervigilance throughout your tenure.

Anxieties, stress, depression, and PTSD have now become general terms in today’s schema. People generalize anxiousness whenever they come across any personal or social conflict, work issues, or having to make hard decisions. Anxiety disorders are much more than fear or temporary worrying. If undiagnosed, Identified, or treated, the feeling of anxiety most likely will never subside in the lives of people experiencing anxiety disorders. Over time, this disease often multiplies itself leading to severe interference in the daily activities of the sufferer’s life.

What leads to depression?

Recent research claims that depression is the result of a combination of numerous factors. These factors could be environmental, psychological, biological, or genetic. Even though this disorder has no restrictions concerning age, it is often most visible over time in the adulthood stage. Amongst numerous anxiety disorders, depression in adolescents and children is more prevalent and volatile; given the social pressures of fitting in, school, and belonging.

In the adulthood stage, anxiety results in a sense of hopelessness, anger, and despair. Most who suffer from depression or anxiety may feel tired, or overwhelmed by routine activities, or isolate themselves from relationships with loved ones and friends.

Therefore, it is clear from the above explanations that depression protrudes every aspect of a person’s life when anxiety goes untreated.

In conclusion

The identification of anxiety and depression are caused by overwhelmingly stressful conditions which pose psychological and emotional challenges. Hypervigilant and prolonged worrying or fear elicits the presence of chronic or debilitating psychological and emotional ailments. It is also associated with some physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, abdominal pain, increased heartbeat, and labored breathing. Trouble during sleeping and changes in eating habits are also indications of the same.

Scientific evidence claims that people who suffer from anxiety and depression can reduce the onset of the variety of symptoms mentioned in this blog by following a regular exercise routine, yoga, meditation, and getting a good night’s sleep.

Moreover, you can read more about similar topics and subscribe to receive the help of a physical health and wellness coach at LivingwithWil.com. Sometimes, it becomes pivotal to get yourself acquainted with a regular fitness routine or physical activities. It will surely provide you with sustainable solutions to take back your health and take care of yourself.

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