Signs of Emotionally Co-dependent Relationships

It is a well-known fact that friends come and go. Also, we do not get to choose the families we are born into. One of the most important hierarchy of needs is social belonging. Having a supportive and caring family and close group of friends is extremely crucial for the happiness of any individual. The most vital components of family and friendship are belonging and acceptance by our loved ones.

Those who genuinely care for us demonstrate it through the sincerity of their actions.

Granted we all have our own busy and hectic lives, being available to emotionally and socially support those we love entails some effort on our part and vice versa. Those who are emotional creatures tend to value the relationships they have with their family and friends more so than others.

If not careful the chances are the expectation of what we may require or need from our family and friends may not be perceived or reciprocated to the same degree.

This consequently may lead to one’s disappointment or in transparency, emotional anxiety, distress, and co-dependency on others to wilfully or knowingly accommodate their emotional and social needs. Sadly, many of us lack emotional intelligence in regards to nurturing healthy relationships or are not innately wired to automatically care for others.

Being available for our loved ones and them being there for us entails some effort on both parts. Being there to emotionally and socially support our family and friends is a learned discipline we must practice daily.

Realizing that our family members and friends have their own lives and priorities, and trusting that the people we choose to genuinely support and care for; also, genuinely care for and support us, prevents the possibility of the relationship from becoming one-sided or emotionally co-dependent.

What is Co-dependency?

Co-dependency is typically used in the context of substance or alcohol abuse. In broader terms, co-dependency is when the emotional and social needs exceed that of which another can provide. It refers to situations where one person gives of their time and energy moreover than is required or expected by others; in hopes, their care for others is equally returned.

In the case of family and friendship, It is a relationship where one invests so much of their time and energy in caring for others that they cannot emotionally function independently.

Co-dependant relationships strongly impact one’s normal daily functions, emotional well-being, mental health, happiness, and numerous other factors. In a co-dependent relationship, one of the two is social, emotional giver and provider.

The other one has a dormant personality who only receives. This kind of relationship is also known as an addictive relationship. Sometimes, it might turn out to be an emotionally unhealthy one.

What is the importance of having healthy relationships?

Studies and research claim that the better the quality of relations, the happier you will live. Therefore, having the support of family friends, being a good friend, and making yourself available to your loved ones is vital for one’s well-being. In some cases, family and friends might develop a co-dependent relationship. One can identify the onset of co-dependent relationships by looking at the following symptoms of co-dependency:

Signs of being co-dependent are inclusive of the following traits:

● Extreme difficulty in making your own decisions

● Difficulty in the identification of your feelings

● Hindrances while communicating in any relationship

● Weighing the approval of others more than your own

● Lacking trust in oneself

● Having low self-esteem

● Having consistent fears about abandonment

● Having the repetitive need for the approval

● Having a sense of responsibility for other’s action

● Having an unrequested dependence on others, even at the cost of your self-esteem.

The bottom line:

The sustainment of friendship during difficult times; in particular during the COVID-19 pandemic has socially and emotionally taken a toll on all of us; causing us to reprioritize taking better care of ourselves.

Current research and studies are exploring in detail the emotional needs of co-dependent family members and friends. Having a trustworthy circle of family and friends and support group enables us to stay healthy and live a meaningful and longer life. Healthy relationships provide us with a sense of belonging, support, and intimacy that no other bond can provide us.

Taking the time to nurture meaningful relationships can enrich your life and can surely assist you in being a better version of yourself and most of all the loved one or friend to those who rely on you for your love, acceptance, and support.

Visit to read more about similar topics. After reading the different blogs, you may develop a better sense of relationships and how to take care of yourself and your health.

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