If you have ever taken a functional training or strength training program you may have noticed the two modalities are applicably completely different by traditional terms. These two training styles are not the same. While both styles of exercise work to promote overall body conditioning and health, they do so in very different ways. Understanding the differences between these two training styles can help you decide which one is best for you.
The Difference Is as the Name Suggests
The functional strength training exercise optimally challenges your muscles by use of your own body weight, resistance bands or cables. Traditional strength training is based on the idea that your muscular endurance and strength both peak at the end of a set or extended duration of physical lifting of weights. Functional training is more effective for people working to improved their endurance, physical performance, flexibility and mobility. Functional training in comparison to weight training is a much safer and more effective way to acclimate the body to regular physical activity and weight training. Weights are not essentially required for functional training.
Image by Logan Weaver on Unsplash
The Type Of Exercise Differs
Traditional training methods involve weight lifting which may involved the lifting of weight or use of gym machines; of which most people do not have at home. On the flip side functional training allows for you to train anywhere at anytime; be it at home, work, gym or even traveling. Functional training focuses on targeting various muscle groups simultaneously by isolating the muscles while working in isolation or constant resistance against gravity. Any exercise where the functionality of the exercise serves to stimulate multiple muscle groups simultaneously may be considered functional training. For example, using resistance bands or cable machines while the weight against gravity is controlled and the movements are steady and intentional. Functional training forces the muscles to contract both during the pulling and pushing or eccentric and concentric movement of the exercise.
The Intensity OF the Exercise Matters
With traditional strength training, the workout tends to be one dimensional in nature as it related to the targeting of a singular muscle group. For example; chest presses using weights verses cable or resistance bands depending on the weight would be far less challenging than with functional strength training. Many times the muscles are trained using just small weights and low repetitions. However, some exercises, such as toe raises or parallel bar dips, may require an intense session because they isolate specific muscle groups simultaneously. The muscle develop much more efficiently when in isolation.
Image by Jonathan Bora on Unsplash
The intensity of the exercise or HIIT depends the person and their fitness level. Beginners will have much different results or outputs than those who are avid fitness enthusiasts. Choosing the best types of training methods will depend on your goals. If you are looking to build up muscles, this can be achieve while lifting weight and during functional strength training exercise; depending on the weight, resistance against gravity and types of exercises.
It is the firing of the ATP’s of the muscle which produce the most efficient and notable gains and physiological progress. The intensity of exercise is highest in this case, facilitating enough wear and tear to the muscles, which in retribution helps them grow.
Recovery Time of Muscles
When it comes to traditional strength training, after a workout, there should be more recovery time or rest between exercises and exercise routines. In functional strength training, you can use lighter weights and higher repetitions for a more extended recovery period; this gives muscles and joints a chance to repair themselves and grow stronger. After a workout, your muscles can be trained again in two to three weeks.
There are also various types of functional bodybuilding program which impacts on the recovery of the muscles. Select the program’s style for which you are willing to work out, and it will eventually keep your body fit.
It would be best if you Enjoyed Working Out
With traditional strength training, many people do not enjoy their workouts, directly affecting their health and performance. In functional strength training, you will often find that you want your workouts so much that you enjoy performing them. You will find that you are always eager to get to the next level and do more repetitions.
Requirement of Supplements
When you use a pair of dumbbells or a bench press, your body can develop an actual Functional bodybuilding program that you need to perform regularly. When you do not use these additional tools, your body never produces true strength. The traditional training method is designed to stimulate anaerobic exercise, a healthy way to train your body for sports. With functional strength training, you don’t have to push yourself to the point where your body becomes an aerobic machine.
Image by Jenny Hill on Unsplash
Traditional Training is Must For Sports
With functional strength training exercise, you get a full range of motion by engaging more of your muscles and using more of your muscles in each repetition; This means that you can engage more muscles in each repetition resulting in a more natural movement. This movement is more likely to be efficient and result in minor injury. There are various health wellness programs that give you the perfect idea of which expertise is better for sports.
It is essential to understand the type of sport you wish to play to decide the exercise. Traditional strength training is also typically performed with a standard barbell, over which you spread your weight between sockets on the bar. With functional strength training, you use a pair of dumbbells for most of the exercise, resulting in a lighter weight and a more efficient exercise motion. Traditional training methods
The above article gives you a simple comparative analysis between functional strength training and traditional training. You can note down both the positive and negative aspects of the system and choose what works best for you. You always need to keep in mind the type of sports you are looking to play. If you are only looking for bodybuilding, then the functional strength exercise is perfect for you.
If you are looking to play a certain kind of sport and want to stay fit, then the traditional training programs are helpful, which does not involve much movement of the muscles and focuses more on stamina. The stamina eventually improves the efficiency of your performance in the game.